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Top tips for selling your property this summer

There is never a perfect time to sell, but if you follow the trends, it may be possible to time
things just right to make the most of the busiest market. This could mean that you get more
interest, and you can therefore maximise the sale price of your property.

So how can you predict the peaks and troughs in the market and use that prediction to your

We have these busy periods of life that take up a lot of our free time and mental head space.
So, when it comes to selling our home, we wait until these bigger, busier stages of life are out of
the way and dealt with.

Christmas. School holidays. And then back to school in September.

It’s human nature to compartmentalise the major tasks we need to accomplish.

As a result, we think, “we’ll wait until after Christmas to put the house up for sale”, or “until the
kids are back at school”.

And this leads to peaks of new instructions.

Lots of lovely properties come onto the market simultaneously. And this spikes the interest of
potential buyers.

Which will then soon lead to a peak in agreed sales.

As a result, we see a peak of new instructions early in the year, with an increase in completed
sales in late spring/early summer.

And then, there is another peak of instructions in September, which allows a sale to complete in
time for Christmas.

That is not to say that the months in between are written off. There is usually a constant level of
sales throughout the year, but these times do have a peak.

If you are considering selling your home before the end of this year, follow these tips!

Presentation –

stage your home for summer. Flowers and gardens show off your home at this
time of year. Many happy memories are made through the summer months when you use the
whole property to its fullest. Longer days and warmer temperatures mean you enjoy the outside
as much as the inside of the home. BBQs, alfresco dining, gardening, playtime for the kids, water fights, and fun.

Show it all off with the staging of your property. Tell the stories of your happy
summers through your photographs to show how you use the outdoor space.

Timing –

Timing is everything. Suppose many buyers are waiting for the school holidays to start
before beginning their search for a property. Viewing figures are higher when there is more free
time, and the weather is better. You need to be on the market BEFORE then; otherwise, you
could miss the boat.

You’ve gotta be in it to win it! –

If you’re not on the market, you definitely won’t sell. If no one
knows that your home’s available, they won’t buy it. So, get into action and get your marketing
materials prepared. A good agent will want to prepare photography, video, and copy and create
an excellent marketing plan to sell your home. This takes time and shouldn’t be rushed. So, don’t
leave it until the middle of summer, thinking it will all be done in a day; it won’t. Have your
valuations now and choose your agent. This means they can get started on the marketing and
build the hype with potential buyers before you launch your property to the market.

So, timed correctly, you could market your home during the summer and take advantage of the
busy summer months that would enable completion by Christmas.

If you want to be enjoying Christmas in your dream home, you should be taking action RIGHT

To get your home on the market, and sold in time for Christmas, get in touch with Brendan to
discuss your options.

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Mannix Proeprty Tips
Ballybunion beach, Сounty Kerry, Ireland

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